
Cuprous oxide is one of the most important materials of semiconductor and a large number of studies about it has been carried out since the beginning of this century, but there are some discrepancies between the results of the measurements so far published, owing to the difficulties of these experiments. To make this problem clear and to furnish the fundamental data for the improvement of cuprous oxide rectlfier, the present authors have investigated the galvano-magnetic properties of cuprous oxide. We have measured the electrical conductivity, the thermo-electromotive force, the Hall effect, the magnetoresistance and the Nernst coefficients with respect to the cuprous oxide crystals made under various oxygen pressures over the temperatures ranging from 15° to 450° . From these measurements the concentrations, the mobilities, the effective masses and the mean free paths of positive holes and electrons were calculated as the functions of temperature. Summarizing these results, it may be considered that each crystal mentioned above is a P-type extrinsic semiconductor at low temperatures, while it is an intrinsic above 380°.

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