
Nowadays chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the leading chronic non-communicable diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality. One of the most serious complications is mineral-bone disorder, which worsen the clinical course and prognosis of patients. Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) is a new biomarker that regulates phosphate metabolism and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many complications in CKD. Purpose. To study the physiological role of FGF-23, as well as its potential clinical significance in the progression of CKD and its complications. Material and methods. A 20-year-deep literature search was conducted in the international scientific databases PubMed / Medline, Web of Science and Google Scholar for the following keywords: "Fibroblast growth factor 23", "FGF-23", "phosphate homeostasis", "chronic kidney disease", "Mineral and bone disorders", "left ventricular hypertrophy". Results and discussion. FGF-23 is a protein secreted by bone cells and its primary physiological role is to regulate urinary excretion of phosphate to maintain a stable level in serum. Moreover, FGF-23 decreases calcitriol levels and inhibits parathyroid hormone secretion. In CKD, there is a gradual increase in FGF-23 levels as renal function declines, which can be regarded as physiological compensation to stabilize serum phosphate levels. According to the several studies, FGF-23 might be associated with cardiovascular complications, such as left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure. Conclusion. Thus, FGF-23 is not only a marker of mineral-bone disorders in CKD, but also a key link in the pathogenesis of the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism and cardiovascular complications. With this in mind, FGF-23 may represent a multifunctional therapeutic target that may improve the prognosis of patients with CKD. Keywords: fibroblast growth factor-23, phosphate, parathyroid hormone, left ventricular hypertrophy, mineral-bone disorder.


  • A 20-year-deep literature search was conducted in the international scientific databases PubMed / Medline, Web of Science and Google Scholar for the following keywords: "Fibroblast growth factor 23", "FGF-23", "phosphate homeostasis", "chronic kidney disease", "Mineral and bone disorders", "left ventricular hypertrophy"

  • FGF-23 is a protein secreted by bone cells and its primary physiological role is to regulate urinary excretion of phosphate to maintain a stable level in serum

  • In chronic kidney disease (CKD), there is a gradual increase in FGF-23 levels as renal function declines, which can be regarded as physiological compensation to stabilize serum phosphate levels

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14 Балабанова Р.М., ЭрдғеыслШым.Фи.мРәалсіпмреотсттерранбеанзнаолсатрьынд2а02107.жPы.л3б5о-9й.ыAтvеaрilеaңbдleетfіrлoгmен: әhдttеpб:/и/wзwерwт.тmеуzл.gеoрv.іkздz/еsнitісesі /жүрревматических заболеванийгізвілРдоі.сІсзидиеувү2ш0ін12к-е2л0е1с3і тгегр. м//индеdрefқaоuлltд/fiаlнeыs/лpдagыe:s«/s2b3oфrnиikб_р2о0б1л7а_сттардың өсу факторы», «FGF-. 14 Балабанова Р.М., ЭрдғеыслШым.Фи.мРәалсіпмреотсттерранбеанзнаолсатрьынд2а02107.жPы.л3б5о-9й.ыAтvеaрilеaңbдleетfіrлoгmен: әhдttеpб:/и/wзwерwт.тmеуzл.gеoрv.іkздz/еsнitісesі /жүрревматических заболеванийгізвілРдоі.сІсзидиеувү2ш0ін12к-е2л0е1с3і тгегр. Сонымен қgаoтаdр–, F2G01F6-2g3g.ка[Fлoьrцmит1р2и.оRл eдpеoңrtгеoйnінthтeөмnuеmндbеeтrеoдfі dжisәeнaеseпsаратиреоид гормонының секрециясыreнgiтsеteжreеdйдinі. TСhБe Аseкrvеiзcінeдaеreбaүoйfрtеhкeфmуeнdкiцcaиlясoыrgнaыniңzaтtөioмnенanдdеуіне байланысты FGF-23 деңгейінің бthірeтcінoдnеtiпngөeсnуtsі oбfаpйaқtаieлnаtдs ыw,hoонaыre uсnаdрeыrсdуiдspаeғnыsaфryоoсbфsоerрvaдtеioңnгейін тұрақтандыру үшін физиологиял2ы0қ1ө2т–ем2а0қ1ы6]д. ЕMпoсsаcнoаwу;ғаMбEоDлIаnдfoыr.mӘ.рAтvүaрilлaіbзleерfrтoтmеу:лhеtрtpге://сәйкес, FGF-23 сол жақ қарыншаныңwгwипwе.рmтeрdоiфnfиoя.kсzы және жүрек жеткіліксіздігі сияқты жүрек-қантамырлық асқынулармен байланыст1ы1бNолaуsыonмoүvмкEінL., editor. Nowadays chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the leading chronic non-communicable diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality. One of the most serious complications is mineral-bone disorder, which worsen the clinical course and prognosis of patients. Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) is a new biomarker that regulates phosphate metabolism and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many complications in CKD. To study the physiological role of FGF-23, as well as its potential clinical significance in the progression of CKD and its complications

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