
The author analyzes the features of development and the main vectors of the transformation of Islamism in Indonesia in 2021. At the end of 2020, the Indonesian authorities, for the first time in several years, attempted to eliminate radical Islam in an institutionalized form, which led to the ban on the activities of the Front for the Defenders of Islam and the arrest of its leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab. Therefore, Indonesian Islamists met the beginning of 2021 in a state of organizational and ideological uncertainty. The author of the presented article analyzes ideological and organizational mutations and changes within the discourse of political, moderate and radical, Islam in modern Indonesia. It is assumed that the Covid-19 pandemic has become an impetus for the technical modernization of Islam in contexts of its virtualization. The present article analyzes the problems of activation of the oldest, “historical” organi-zations of Indonesian Muslims, including Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama. The author analyzes the congresses held by these organizations in 2021. The article analyzes the role of political parties in the actual history of Indonesian Islamism. Particular attention is paid to the “new” actors represented by the revived Mashumi Party and the Umma Party. The author analyzes the emergence of new and the revival of “historical” Is-lamist parties in contexts of changes in the political space of radical Islam after the Front for the Defenders of Islam was banned. The author believes that the modern Indonesian political Islam is looking for new forms of its own structural self-organization. Therefore, it is shown that Islamism is in the state of reorganization when moderate Islam seeks to use the resources of modernization. The author presumes that both trends are active in the use of virtual space for their development needs.

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