
The main provisions of anti-crisis support for entrepreneurship in Russia by analyzing the factors of political and economic sustainability of the development of the national economy are considered. An institutional approach to providing state support for entrepreneurship in the context of the global economic crisis and other external factors negatively affecting the national economy (COVID-19) is proposed, and possible risks for regional economies are identified. The legal basis of state regulation and support of small and medium-sized businesses by the state is analyzed. The definitions of the legal and organizational conditions for the functioning of small and medium-sized businesses in special conditions of the development of the national economy and measures of state support are given. Modern rule-making on entrepreneurship in Russia is associated with the development of international law and the need to study the legislation of foreign countries with a developed market economy, which, of course, is a decisive condition for the preparation of laws and other regulatory legal acts in this area. The presented analysis using legal acts as of May 1, 2020, makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the prompt response of the Government of the Russian Federation to the current unfavorable situation in the country's economy and society.

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