
During 2018–2019 in the historical and cultural reserve «Ancient Plisnesk» on the territory of the site of archeology of national significance «Ancient settlement of the chronicle city of Plisnesk of the III–XIII centuries» for the first time, the experimental methodological magnetometry observations were conducted to study the possibilities of the magnetic surveys in studies of archaeological objects of this site. The paper analyzes the results of areal magnetometric survey using proton magnetometers with an observation grid of 0,5×1 m with a total area of 0,252 ha in two sections – in the western part of tract «Vysoke Gorodysko» and in the southeastern part of tract «Zamchysko». On the basis of the received magnetometric data graphs of magnetic field and plans of isolines with different detailing are constructed. In the anomalous picture of the residual magnetic field, alternating magnetic anomalies with an intensity of several tens of nT have been identified, which are confined to structures and production facilities, which is confirmed by the results of archaeological excavations. The spatial features of the anomalous magnetic field revealed a number of negative linear anomalies that mark the locations of ancient archaeological excavations. In order to research and establish the specifics of the planning structure of the settlements of the Slavic and Old Russian periods, the old archaeological excavations revealed on the territory of the Plisnesk archaeological complex, it is extremely necessary to expand the territory of magnetometric survey to a large area. Highlighted anomalous search criteria for archaeological objects in a magnetic field indicate the high efficiency of magnetometry and the expediency of its use in the future for identifying and outlining ground or buried structures of residential, economic, industrial and even fortifications of a wide chronological range before archaeological excavations in the territory of the Plisnesk archaeological complex and similar sites of the Slavic and Old Russian periods. Key words: archaeological complex, magnetic survey, magnetic field, local anomalies.

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