
A criminological analysis of the situation and dynamics of crime against property in the Republic of Crimea (for the period from 2015 to 2020) in comparison with all-Russian indicators and indicators of the Southern Federal District was carried out, similar features and differences were identified, an attempt was made to study the causal complex, events in the Republic of Crimea that could affect the dynamics and level of mercenary crime in different periods of time. The analysis was carried out for each type of crimes against property provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in their interrelation, as well as an analysis of the situation as a whole. In this connection, the author analyzed crimes against property according to two criminological indicators: the dynamics is an absolute indicator of the total number of registered acts for the period from 2015 to 2020 inclusive, and the level is a relative indicator of a particular type of crime in the overall crime structure. This approach allowed us to objectively study the criminological indicators of certain types of crimes against property and draw general conclusions, identify patterns that determine the development of the criminal situation in the field of mercenary crime in the Republic of Crimea.

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