
The article is devoted to such an important direction of sociolinguistics as the study of communicative spheres. The purpose of the article is to conduct a diachronic study of the repertoire and scope of the functions of the languages of the peoples of Russia in Moscow schools over the past ten years. To solve this problem, a set of statistical and factual data on the communicative sphere of education, reflecting the functioning of languages in school education, was analyzed. First of all, it is the number of schoolchildren using languages in the following functions: teaching aids; subject of study (an optional format is considered separately). A significant place in the article is also devoted to such an important function of the Russian language for a large city with a large number of migrants as adaptation. Data on the levels of education are also involved: grades 1–4, 5–9, 10–11. To solve the problem posed in the study, it was necessary to enter the statistical data on the field of education in a broader context. To do this, a number of linguo-demographic parameters were considered: the size of the ethnic group, the number of those who indicated the possession and nonknowledge of the Russian language, in absolute numbers and in percentages. The author also briefly considers the main trends in educational policy, and the place that the preservation of languages and cultures with a simultaneous vector to strengthen the unity of the Russian nation as a supranational, supracultural entity based on the Russian base such a task plays among them.

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