
The purpose of the article is to investigate the process of the creation and the fi rst years of activity of the Houses of Scientists in the RSFSR in the 20s of the XX century based on the studied literature, periodicals, and archival sources. Th e research methodology involves the use of the principles of historicism, scientifi c objectivity, systematicity, and comprehensiveness. Th e problem-chronological, descriptive, systematization, and heuristic-search methods are applied. The scientifi c novelty lies in the fact that, for the fi rst time, the process of creating the houses of scientists in the RSFSR and the diffi culties associated with their formation and activities have been systematically analyzed. Conclusions. Th e activities of the Houses of Scientists in the 1920s were rich and interesting. Th e organizers of these institutions developed a number of events designed to promote the organization and activities of scientifi c societies and associations, calling on scientists to actively participate in public and political activities by organizing scientifi c reports, lectures, and discussion clubs on current scientifi c and social issues and topics. Th e houses of scientists became a place where it was possible to communicate, work, hold scientifi c meetings, lectures, and reports daily. In addition, per the urgent needs of the moment, dining halls and buff ets, dispensaries, vari- ous workshops, libraries, reading rooms, and dormitories were organized with them. Considerable attention was paid to the organization of cultural recreation of scientists and members of their families. Concerts, musical, literary, artistic, and family evenings, popular science lectures, mee- tings with famous fi gures of science and culture, sports competitions, fi lm screenings, interest sec- tions, etc., were oft en organized in the Houses of Scientists.

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