
The neutral fraction of the ether extract of the dried root of Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER was submitted to low-pressure distillation and separated into low- and high-boiling fractions. The low-boiling fraction was purified through gas and alumina-column chromatographies and the presence of β-elemene was proved. The high-boiling fraction was submitted to the silica-column chromatography and a new component, panaxynol, was isolated. Its infrared absorption spectrum revealed the presence of a double and triple bonds, and a hydroxyl group. The saturated alcohol obtained by the catalytic reduction of panaxynol was oxidized with chromic acid and the saturated ketone thereby obtained was submitted to the Schmidt decomposition, from which this ketone compound was assumed to be 3-heptadecanone and that the saturated alcohol would be 3-heptadecanol. 3-Heptadecanone was synthesized by the route shown in Chart 2. It was thereby revealed that the basic structure of panaxynol would be a straight-chain unsaturated alcohol with 17 carbon atoms and that the hydroxyl is located at 3-position.

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