
Twenty four strains of Coli group bacilli and 5 strains of Proteus bacilli which has been isolated from the feces of dysenteric patients and parragglutinated with antisera of Shigella groups are serologically. studied The results are as follows:All strains are paraagglutinated by rabbit antiserum (titer 1: 5120) of Komagome B3strain which belongs to Shigella 2a (titer 1: 20∼2560). One strain (Kawaguchi) is agglutinated only by the antiserum of D group Shigella (S. Sonnei). About half of these strains are not influenced by heat. Some of these strains, lose their agglutinability, while others show an increase in agglutination titer.When 2 of these strains were selected at random and subcultured every day for about a year, there developed no remarkable changes in their agglutinability. This finding supports to assume that agglutinative nature is primarily existent in the bacterial body and that the observed agglutination is different from so-called paraagglutination.These strains can be classified into the following 5 groups on the basis of the results of agglutination test to the specific dysenteric sera:Group 1, (1 strain) aggultinated to all type- and group-specific sera of Shigella B group.Group 2, (9 strains) is not agglutinated with all dysenteric sera exept the antiserum of Komagome B3.Group 3, (7 strains) agglutinated to mixed antiserum of Shigella.Group 4, (7 strains) show agglutination to type- and group-specific sera in a wide range.Group 5, (6 strains) show agglutination in pather a limited range.Rabbit sera, are produced according to the standard method respectively for Kawaguchi strain (Coli, Intermedius type) which belongs to the 5th group and Okagawa strain which is one of Proteus and belongs to the 3rd group. The results of absorption test indicate that the antigen of the paraagglutinable strains and that of Shigella groups are not identical. The antigen of Coli group strains is distinctly different in somatic agglutination from that of Shigella.

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