
The article substantiates the periodization of formation and development of information and propaganda support in the Ukrainіаn Navy in 1992-2014. It is established that the basis for justifying the periodization of the process of devel- opment of information and propaganda support is its objective connection with the processes of development of the legal framework and the organizational form of the structures that conducted the propaganda. It was the changes in the legal framework and organization of propaganda structures that significantly influ- enced the changes in the development of the subject of study, which served as a basis for selecting their criteria for periodization.The proposed periodization fully takes into account the approaches of Ukrain- ian scientists to the periodization of the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainіаn Navy and certain areas of propaganda activity, as well as periods of change in the social and political life of the state. In particular, this study highlights the relationship between the model of information support in the military and the form of government. The author’s periodization most accurately reflects the main transition points in the development of information and propa- ganda support in the Ukrainian Navy. Information and propaganda support in the Ukrainian Navy in 1992-2014 was a transition model from eastern (Soviet) to western. During the study period, 2 attempts were made to bring the model of information support closer to a similar Western model - in 1992-1993 and in 2006-2013. That is, the historically condi- tioned model of model of information support for Ukraine is Western.Separation of the periods of development of the subject of study made it pos- sible to establish specific features of its historical development and focus on the standards of NATO member states, which in the conditions of modern transfor- mations of information and propaganda support in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the absence of comprehensive historical research in this direction will serve as an important source of experience.

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