
The article analyzes the language issue in some American states in the last quarter of the ХХ – beginning of the ХХІ century as one of the factors of national identity. The authors put forward the thesis that the factor of the English language is one of the starting points in terms of self-identification as an American. It was determined that the majority of American states were bilingual, as a result of which it was allowed to maintain state documentation in two or three languages. At the same time, a significant part of Americans determined that the language of Americans is English, and therefore it is necessary to recognize a single official language for state document circulation, teaching in educational institutions, etc. The presented processes became especially vivid in the southern states, where there were significant centers of the non-English-speaking population associated with continuous migration from Latin American countries. Partial Latinization of some states in the middle of the ХХ century. led to growing protests from the English-speaking population, which sometimes took the form of xenophobia. As a result, several referendums were initiated, which demonstrated the position of society regarding the English language, its status as an identifier of the nation. The authors of the article note that although the language referendums were intended to improve the work of state bodies, to unify the documentation procedure in the states, in practice they led to their radical interpretation and the prohibition of the use of any language other than English not only at the state level, but also in everyday practices. As a result, referendum decisions have sometimes forced linguistic minorities to reconsider their own criteria for identifying themselves as citizens of the United States. In this case, the knowledge and use of the English language becomes a significant factor in the processes of American self-identification.

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