
The present research considers the problem of institutionalization of the Green Party in Germany for the period of 40 years, which was determined by a multi-stage process of the party formation, as well as the innovative approach of “The Greens” in the development of the party's political course. “The Greens” began their activities by creating small local environmental groups, which by the 1980s had formed a single political party and began to actively participate in the political life of the country, which had marked the beginning of “The Greens” institutionalization process. Initially, the party positioned itself as an “alternative” to existing traditional political forces, which was clearly reflected in their proposed initiatives. However, over time, during the institutionalization process, “The Greens” began to move towards a “systemic” integration into the political life of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the status of “marginal opposition” disappeared. During its existence, the party put forward hundreds of various initiatives aimed at improving the environmental situation and the socio-economic system of Germany. These initiatives found receptive audience among the country’s population, which in recent years has had a positive impact on the dynamics of the party's popularity and made it one of the main socio-political forces in the country, finally completing the process of institutionalizing “The Greens”.

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