
This review article makes an attempt to accomplish a historiographic overview of the works in problematic of the history of press in the West. The aim of this paper is to make a synthetic overarching historiographic overview of Western studies in Media History, specifically in Press Studies and more specifically – in Press History. The scientific novelty of the research: for the first time in the Communication and Media Studies in Ukraine (the so-called “Theory and history of Journalism) Western perspectives and concepts regarding the research problem of Journalism History are discussed here. We conducted the qualitative analysis of main works in Media History on the basis of influential Western international peer-reviewed journals (American Journalism Review, Communication Quarterly, Media History, Journalism History). Specifically, for the first time, we introduce here in the Ukrainian scholarly discourse a milestone pioneering research essay of world-renowned American scholar, Professor J. W. Carrey The Problem of History of Journalism (Journalism History, 1974). Itsimpact on transformation of conceptual perspectives to studying Media History in Western scholarship has been analyzed. We have elucidated common and different perspectives, interpretations, concepts and methodology of studying history of media, in particular press, in Western academic discourse. It has been argued here the relevance of reconsidering Ukrainian concepts and perspectives towards studying history of journalism, specifically from the mainstream (in the West) interdisciplinary perspective of the Cultural Studies, Behavioral Psychology, Global History and last but not least, – Communication and Media Studies. It has been accentuated in this paper a necessity of selective interpolation of Western perspectives on Media History in the Ukrainian humanities, specifically Journalism History curriculum discipline. The conclusions have been drawn and the perspectives of follow-up historiographical works in Media History (specifically, Press History) in the Ukrainian scholarship have been put forward. Keywords: Journalism History, Media History, histories, historiography, overview, press, Western, American, concept, perspective, сultural рistory; Cultural Studies; Communication and Media Studies.

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