
본 연구에서는 우리나라 영재교육정책 목표가 교육에 의한 영재성 발휘보다 국가 사회 발전을 위한 인재양성으로 편향된 것이 과학기술행정부처의 과학영재교육정책에 기인하고 있음을 보이고자 한다. 우리나라의 과학영재교육정책은 과학기술행정부처 중심 정책과 교육행정부처 중심 정책으로 나뉜다. 교육행정부처는 교육적 형평성을 실현을 목표로 영재교육정책을 세웠다. 이와 달리 과학기술행정부처는 경제 발전을 위해 산업에 투입할 고급 과학기술인력양성이라는 관점에서 과학영재에 주목했다. 이들은 상호작용하여 우리나라의 영재교육체제를 형성했다. 이 연구는 과학기술행정부처가 과학영재교육의 국가 사회적 목표를 강조함으로써 과학기술행정부처의 과학영재교육정책 수립에 대한 정당성을 확보하는 과정을 보이고, 연구생산성이 높을 시기에 과학영재들이 실질적으로 연구개발에 기여할 수 있도록 과학기술행정부처가 정책적 토대를 만들었다는 것을 보인 것에 의의가 있다. This study analyzes the interaction of the policy of human resource in science and technology and the policy of education for the gifted. In Korea, the goals of gifted education seem to have gravitated more toward serving the national perspective of creating a pool of high-quality scientists for economic development, rather than toward helping individuals achieve their educational aspirations and promote their talents. The science education policy for the gifted can be categorized into two: one primarily by the Ministry of Science (MOST) and another by the Ministry of Education (MOE). So far, the policy of science education for the gifted has been written by MOE. Such an imbalance has been created because the two ministries differed in their values and priorities. MOST has designed the science education policy in order to foster the gifted as high-quality human resources in science and technology that can help contribute to economic development. On the other hand, MOE has designed the policy for the gifted with educational equity in mind. Although the policy by MOST had have more influence in implementing overall policies of educating the gifted, the two ministries have interacted and formulated the educational system of gifted in Korea. This study sheds light on the process that MOST has legitimized their science education policy for the gifted by designing it in line with the national and social goals, and has formulated a basis on which the gifted can contribute to R&D for economic development.

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