
The article compares changes in the territorial structure of passenger air transportation in 1965–1975 and 2014–2018. The author’s method of assessing its change has been developed. The air directions are divided into 5 groups: with Moscow, St. Petersburg, with the airports of the most important resorts, interregional and intraregional. The development of the air transportation system in the Soviet and modern periods differs signifi both in groups and in terms of network-wide indicators – technological and economic. During the Soviet period, the polycentric structure became more complex than the modern monocentric one. In the modern conditions, the average distance of transportation continues to grow, which means that the territorial structure is stretching. In the structure of air transportation directions in the 2010sthere was an enlargement and concentration of passenger traffi which simplifi the view of the entire territorial structure of air transportation. Several transport directions begin to dominate in the structure of Moscow passenger airlines, in St. Petersburg air transportation, the share of Moscow is decreasing, in interregional transportation, the development of a hub air transportation system. The growth in passenger turnover of the largest air hubs and airports is also due to an increase in the number of transfer passengers; the structure of local airlines has simplifi due to the concentration of passenger traffi in the most remote and / or inaccessible directions for ground transport; it increases the average fl range.

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