
Shojo manga, one of Japan`s comic genres, is well-known around the world. There is an equivalent manga genre in Korea and it is called Sunjeong Manhwa. What distinguishes shojo manga from other comic genres is its unique visual representation of the inner world of comic characters. In this study, shojo manga depicted in various shojo magazines in the early 1960s are analyzed. The magazines reviewed include Shojo, Shojo Club and Shojo Book. Among the visual representations, flower expression, panel composition and title page design are selected for analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, the basic elements of shojo manga are portrayed well in manga published in the early 1960s, during which several female cartoonists actively led the creation of the said genre. These findings confirm that the representations adopted in shojo manga for the purpose of expressing the inner world and psychological aspects of the main characters were already evident in the early 1960s. According to earlier studies, shojo manga reached its golden age in the 1970s, when the genre`s format and representation method were developed to its full extent. Therefore, studies investigating shojo manga often focused on this golden era, during which a variety of comics emerged and stories and presentation skills further improved. An increasing number of readers began reading shojo manga. Popular cartoonists also emerged, further accelerating the genre`s burgeoning popularity. However, there has been no investigation on the unique representations found in shojo manga. This means that the shojo manga published between the late 1950s and the early 1960s were underestimated compared with those published in the 1970s. The aim of this study, therefore, is to reassess the comic works and cartoonists that led to the establishment of shojo manga by analyzing visual representations of shojo manga published from 1958 to 1963. This study proposes new ideas on when the unique representations of shojo manga first emerged and how those representations were described.

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