
The author of the article investigates the merits and remuneration of employees of the regional and city depatments of the NKGB-MSS in the Ternopil region in the 1945-1948 on the basis of a considerable circle of historical sources and monographs. The author identifies the main type of remuneration for NKGB-MSS employees - gratitude announcement. The author of the article indicates the main type of remuneration for NKGB-MSS employees - the announcement of gratitude, and the main merit was the successful participation in the chekist-military operation. It was considered successful if it resulted in the killing or detention of a person or a group of people involved in a particular case. Often during such operations, various trophies were taken, such as assault rifles, guns, pistols, machine guns, grenades and ammunition. However, internal documentation of the OUN or UPA was of the greatest operational value, since the documents served as the basis for the development of new operational cases. The author notes that NKGB-MSS security officers, their families, and agents received compensation. To substantiate this thesis, the author provides two examples. After the death of a security official, the family of the deceased received a lump sum compensation of 3,000 rubles. A security agent received 2,000 rubles for the reconstruction of the house and manor buildings because during the chekist-military operation, the rebels hid in her house and set it on fire, and not only the house but also the manor buildings. The author allocates arms and money as a reward to separate unit. The author emphasizes the receipt of the prize weapon for two reasons: firstly, as a rare event, and secondly, as irresponsible act of the state security officers, since the TT combat weapon was presented to a minor schoolboy who had joined the military unit. The author of the article emphasizes that most of the cash prize was received only by fighters of fighter battalions, recruited agents and cadets of militant squadron. They earned cash prizes for successfully conducted chekist-military operations.The author of the article also notes the amount of cash prizes was from 250 to 500 rubles. The amount of remuneration often varied depending on the rank and significance of each individual operation.

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