
The formation and evolution of the personnel structure of transport justice bodies remains an urgent problem. The author traces the main sources and evolution of transport justice personnel in 1941–1957. The principles of formation and trends in the development of transport justice personnel were similar. These processes were controlled by party and state security agencies. Recruitment was carried out on formal grounds. The main focus was on political loyalty, work experience, nationality, and education. Among the main sources of recruitment were the General and special justice bodies. In the first half of the 1940s, the personnel policy towards transport justice employees was careful. After the war, the frames are updated. The radical changes occurred as a result of the election of judges of special courts in 1948–1949. The election of transport court judges has resulted in the rejuvenation of these cadres and increased their professionalism. The candidates with legal education and work experience in the justice system were selected. However, it was not possible to solve personnel problems until 1957. The proportion of judges without higher legal education continued to be high.

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