
The aim of the article is to analyze, based on memories, information about the policy of the occupation authorities regarding the deportation of the able-bodied population of the Galicia district to forced labor in Germany. Particular attention is paid to the Ukrainian National Union (UNU), which operated on the territory of Germany, and information is provided about their activities in relation to Galician workers in forced labor in the Third Reich. In addition to the UNO, attention is also paid to the Ukrainian Central Committee (UCC). Information is given on the main directions of the UCC related to Galician workers in Germany and the care of their families in the territory of the Galician district. Also, attention is focused on the main methods of agitation of Galician workers and their subsequent involvement in works in Germany. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of life and daily life of Galician workers at mills, plants and factories in Germany. With the help of memoirs, the main methods of avoiding deportation by Galician workers to work in Germany are highlighted (escaping from moving and stationary trains, enlisting in the ranks of the fourteenth grenadier division of the Waffen-SS "Halychyna", bribing doctors, inflicting physical harm on one's own body, etc.). In addition, the work, based on the published memories of eyewitnesses, highlights the peculiarities and methods of transportation of Galician workers to Germany. Also, attention is paid to mass roundups of the local population (as a result of non-fulfillment of labor obligations before the Nazi authorities in certain settlements) with subsequent deportation to Germany. The work provides a thorough review of the given written memories of eyewitnesses of the period of occupation of Galicia (1941–1944), which are related to the labor mobilization of the Galician population for forced labor in Nazi Germany.

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