
We examine the process of restoring the cinema network of the Tambov Region in the post-war period. This process went gradually and quickly enough. And this is despite the fact that the Tambov Region, in fact, as well as the whole country experienced the severe consequences of the Great Patriotic War. It is proved that the cinema was given a great propaganda function and this art form was actively used by the authorities. During the considered period, films were filmed catastrophically little and not the least role played here by the ideology of the film repertoire. In the Tambov Region, in addition to feature films, agricultural short films and scientific films were shown on portable film projectors. As a matter of fact, this is due to the fact that in a short time it was necessary to restore the industry. Agricultural films carried cognitive and motivating func-tions. It was for this purpose during the planting and harvesting campaigns that collective farmers, employed in the fields, were provided with mobile cinema installations. It is noted that the authori-ties actively interfered not only in the process of film production, but also in provision of film-showing facilities. In particular, much attention was paid to how much money goes to the local budget. Measures have been taken to implement the approved plans. The failure to comply was condemned in every way, and in some cases the violators were punished.

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