
The Communist Party had been central to the Soviet political system and society. Now that there is no ideological pressure, it is essential to view the history of the party of Bolsheviks (Communists) in deeper and non-biased perspectives, including on the regional level. Despite there are quite a number of publications examining the history of Kalmykia’s Communist movement, those to have studied its structure in the 1920s — and, namely, activities by the Department for Agitation and Propaganda of the Kalmyk Oblast Committee of the RCP(B) — are virtually absent. So, the issue has remained understudied, and the work is a first attempt to investigate the former. The article uses materials accumulated by the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. The documents contain valuable information about activities by departments of the Kalmyk Oblast Party Committee, the actual state and development of the party organization as such. The study aims to analyze activities by the regional Department for Agitation and Propaganda between 1921 and 1928. It uses the historical-and-genetic method to have made it possible to view the mentioned arrangements over time. The analysis of archival materials has been based on the principles of scientificity, objectiveness, and historicism that largely contributed to the issue be examined in certain historical contexts. The paper concludes Kalmykia’s party structure had emerged to instantly intersect with government bodies. This was typical enough for all regions during the Soviet era. The Department for Agitation and Propaganda was also — in addition to the functions declared — in charge with print media and directed activities of political-and-educational organs (Rus. politprosvet). The latter proved key conductors of the Party’s policies in the sphere of ideological propaganda. Party organizations laid special emphasis on public political education and constantly sought to develop and strengthen corresponding institutions that served as centers of such work in rural areas. The Department initiated establishments of party schools that would train cadres for the Kalmyk Party Organization and facilitate their better understanding of ideology and policies. This was actually a great achievement of the Kalmyk Oblast Soviet Party School. The conclusions made are essential for further understanding of Kalmykia’s party structure and activities by the regional Department for Agitation and Propaganda between in 1921–l928.

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