
The article is devoted to the early years of the development of the Soviet radio theatre, when artistic broadcasting as a new and unexplored area of creative mastering of reality was at the forefront of the cultural process. The first attempts to broadcast dramatic performances are considered as a stage in the formation of the radio theatre genre. The materials illustrating the creative searches in the field of radio performance directing, its musical and sound design are given. An attempt has been made to identify the place of the Moscow and Leningrad Radio Theatres in the system of contemporary performing arts. The range of creative tasks that the actors of the first radio performances had to cope with by trial and error is outlined. The socio-cultural conflict between supporters and opponents of the original radio art is highlighted, which is important for the understanding of the issue. Some mutual influences of radio theatre with theatrical processes of the aforementioned period are followed. Several typical examples of early Soviet radio drama are briefly analyzed, in particular, radio plays "The Tale about Sphagnum" and "Glass" by A. A. Tarkovsky, the radio play "Ural-Kuzbass" based on the play by V. Gusev, "Dneprostroy" based on the script by A. N. Afinogenov are considered. Some tendencies in the development of radio drama genre in Soviet artistic broadcasting are traced. The mutual influences of radio theatre and radio journalism of the indicated period are also pointed out.

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