
The article analyzes the development of the system of youth organizations in our country in the 1920s.The Young Communist League (Komsomol) was formed as one of the Communist organizations among diverse youth entitieswhich were engaged in addressing social challenges the young generation faced in the first decade after the revolution. The Komsomol acted along with political, peasant, national, sports youth organizations. Following the VKP(b) and under its leadership, the Komsomol pursued the policy of expulsion and elimination of alternative organizations. Firstly, all the non-socialist entities disappeared from the system of youth organizations in the course of a fierce struggle, and then came the turn of anarchists and other Communist organizations. The Komsomol actively participated in the defeat of the scout movement, in part by accepting some of its functions on the organization of youth sports. The Young Communist League struggled with national youth organizations, seeking their dissolution, as in the case of the Communist Union of Jewish youth (Jewkomol). However, the Young Communist League cooperated with other Pro-government public organizations such as the OSOAVIAKHIM. In the course of its development, the Young Communist League was closely connected with state authorities, such as the OGPU, actively using their abilities to achieve a monopoly position in the youth environment.

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