
Introduction. In the absence of preventive vaccinations against the varicella-zoster virus in the National Vaccinations calendar, in recent years, Russia has experienced an epidemic rise in the incidence of varicella-zoster as an unmanageable infection It takes the leading place among drip infections and causes significant socio-economic damage. High morbidity, the likelihood of severe and complicated course dictates the need for mandatory specific active prevention. Purpose: To assess the incidence of chickenpox, requiring a call to the local pediatrician, in children and adolescents aged 0-17 years for 12 months in Barnaul. Materials and methods. Materials of the study were data from a predetermined log cases of chickenpox and of the extract from the ambulatory record filled on the basis of "Medical record of the patient receiving care in the polyclinic setting" (form 025/y), in Children's city polyclinic № 3, Barnaul and Children's city polyclinic № 9, Barnaul for 1 year period (July 2019-June 2020), medical archive documentation of the children's infectious diseases Department of the City clinical hospital No. 11, Barnaul for the same period. Data processing was performed using the calculation of intensive and extensive indicators, calculating the arithmetic mean (X) and standard error of the mean (m). Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel. Results. Morbidity rates at the primary health care stage are high 720.80/0000. The incidence of chickenpox was characterized by an unusual season of epidemic upswing associated with the spread of COVID-19 and the emergence of new foci of chickenpox in pre-school educational facilities and schools. The age structure of morbidity was dominated by children aged 3-6 years; girls were more often ill. The disease was characterized by a classic clinical picture, but it was severe. There was an increase in complications of chickenpox and the frequency of hospitalization. Conclusions. The increase in the incidence of chickenpox is manifested by a broad clinical polymorphism of the disease, with the appearance of extremely severe forms and an increase in the frequency of hospitalization, which leads to a high burden on the primary health care system.


  • In the absence of preventive vaccinations against the varicella-zoster virus in the National Vaccinations calendar, in recent years, Russia has experienced an epidemic rise in the incidence of varicella-zoster as an unmanageable infection It takes the leading place among drip infections and causes significant socioeconomic damage

  • Расширение клинического полиморфизма и нарастание тяжести инфекции Varicella zoster у детей./ Материалы XIII Конгресса детских инфекционистов России "Актуальные вопросы инфекционной патологии и вакцинопрофилактики"

  • Materials of the study were data from a predetermined log cases of chickenpox and of the extract from the ambulatory record filled on the basis of "Medical record of the patient receiving care in the polyclinic setting", in Children's city polyclinic No 3, Barnaul and Children's city polyclinic No 9, Barnaul for 1 year period (July 2019-June 2020), medical archive documentation of the children's infectious diseases Department of the City clinical hospital No 11, Barnaul for the same period

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Материалы и методы исследования

В исследовании использовались данные из предварительно составленных журнала случаев ветряной оспы и выписки из амбулаторной карты больного, заполняемых на основании «Медицинской карты больного, получающего помощь в амбулаторных условиях» (форма 025/у), обратившихся к участковому педиатру КГБУЗ «Детская городская поликлиника No 3» г. Барнаула и КГБУЗ «Детская городская поликлиника No 9» г. Информация о госпитализированных больных ветряной оспой получена из выписок истории болезни, заполняемых на основании «Медицинской карты стационарного больного» (форма No 003/у), госпитализированных в детское инфекционное отделение КГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница No 11» г. Информация о населении была получена из регистратур амбулаторных учреждений. Каждая амбулатория проводит перепись населения 2 раза в год (в январе-июле): она включает сведения обо всем педиатрическом населении, проживающем на территории, обслуживаемой амбулаторией. Для данного исследования была использована январская перепись населения 2019 года, поскольку она представляет собой население середины исследования. Во всех процедурах статистического анализа критический уровень значимости принимался равным 0,05

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