
Introduction: Why economic miracle has happened in Japan? As Michael Piore and Charles Frederick Sabel said, Japanese economy had developed not only by ‘mass production system’, but also ‘flexible specialization’. Methodology: Economic history and survey. Research: In Edo period, many companies, which still exist now, emerged. Famous and largest department store Mitsukoshi was opened in 1673, Daimaru was opened in 1717. By Western impact in the latter half of 19th century, Japanese people thought shogunate government could not defend Japan from USA, British Empire etc., there was Meiji restoration that Emperor’s army fought against Shogunate army, so rule of Shogun was ended,it meant Edo period was ended, in the same time roll of Samurai was also ended in Japanese history. This was discontinuity of Japanese political system. From corruption of Shogunate government, new government established under the name of Emperor of Meiji. Meiji government had two priorities, strong armed forces and promotion of industry, so slogan was very simple, «Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Armed Forces». Most brand new European and American technologies were imported, it was a time of Westernization, and large factories were build all over Japan, and they started a mass production. But, even in this period, continuity and discontinuity coexisted in Japanese history. It’s very important historical fact for Japanese economy. Between Edo and Meiji period, there was discontinuity, for example, samurai banished in Japan, but also there was continuity, for example economic system. Edo period is known as time of Monozukuri. Monozukuri means ‘production’ or ‘making of things’ in Japanese, and is the Japanese term just for ‘manufacturing’. This Monozukuri spirit was not lost after Meiji restoration on that time of mass production. This is one continuity in Japanese economic history. The system of Japanese economy has also a diversity. Many Japanese economic historians believe that fundamental system of economic policy making had not changed from 1940 till 2000. What happened in 1940? To fight against America, all tax revenue was integrated to central government, and centralization of Japan was completed. By the time of 1950’ to 1970’s, they said Japanese bureaucrats were the smartest in the world, and Ministry of International Trade and Industry planned and decided which sector of industry was current priority to develop. During 1950’s Japan was not a rich country, so they made some law projects and proposed to law makers. Almost any law was approved in the parliament. During 1960’s, after success of the first Tokyo Olympic in 1964 which was held in Asia for the first time, Japan became richer than 1950’, so bureaucrats made plans of capital investment from governmental budget. Conclusion. Japan archived economic miracle mainly by old war time economy and centralization. This is paradox,but these cases are not contradicted because Japan has diversity in any fields. Correct way of economic development will change depending on the period and the situation, and now Japan has also time of decentralization.

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