
The purpose of the study is to determine the intensity of 137Cs movement along the trophic chain “soil – diet – livestock products” in the agricultural landscapes of the Krasnoyarsk Region with additional radiation load. A literature review of scientific data characterizing the features of the migration activity of 137Cs in the links “soil – feed – livestock products” in agrobiocenoses with radioactive contamination above established standards is given. Based on the results of a radioecological survey of agricultural landscapes in the central regions of the Krasnoyarsk Region and calculation of absorbed doses, the author identified agricultural landscapes with additional technogenic pollution and determined the specific activity of 137Cs in feed and cow's milk in agricultural landscapes with additional technogenic load. The specific activity values of 137Cs in agricultural landscape feeds with doses of 1.33 and 1.55 mGy/year are higher than the background va¬lue for the Krasnoyarsk Region. The content of 137Cs in livestock products produced in farm biogeocenoses with additional technogenic load is higher than the average for the region, but does not exceed the criterion of regulatory documents; accordingly, radiation-safe agricultural products are produced on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Region. For agricultural landscapes with absorbed doses of 1.33 and 1.55 mGy/year, a KP for the link “feed – livestock products” has been established. When the radioecological situation changes, the established Kp values can be used to predict the migration of 137Cs in the chain “soil – feed – livestock products”. A direct linear moderate Spearman rank correlation was identified between the specific activity of 137Cs in feed and the concentration of 137Cs in cow's milk. Linear regression equations have been determined to determine the specific activity of cow's milk based on data on the specific activity of 137Cs in feed. The revealed direct linear relationship indicates that even a slight increase in the 137Cs activity of the diet leads to an equivalent increase in the specific activity of technogenic cesium in cow's milk.

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