
Theartistic and archaeological study of a unique Collection of marble compositions in Sersmos village, Monoufia governorate - which aren’t registered as Islamic monuments - is very significant given the fact of few number of these particular marble compositions in cemeteries in rural regions if compared with large number of the wooden compartments. This research is conducted for detailed descriptive study of characteristics and artistic features of each composition to highlight the religious dimension and its impact on the decorations; writings in particular Quranic verses, doaa, funeral and historical writings. The research studies these holly verses and their significance and compatibility with the nature and function of the compositions. In addition, the decorations include plants, the lush trees, flowers and the fruits of paradise represent a prominent rule in the decorative formation. The research adopts a descriptive approach through field study for the decorative formation of this unique collection. Also, adopts an analytical approach through sources and references and their characteristics and features to highlight the religious impact in implementation. Also, a comparative study with other contemporary compositions. The research observes the risks and challenges to this unique unregistered collection and recommends immediate protection and registration as Islamic monuments in order to maintain their significant values.

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