
The report traces the role of the outstanding Soviet slavist, professor S. Bernstein in the revival of Russian Slavic studies in the second half of the XX century. The author relies on the memoirs of scientists of the Institute of Slavic Studies and Moscow University and on the materials of the book of memoirs of S. Bernstein “Zigzags of Memory” (2002). The name “Zigzags of memory” correlates not only with the memories of the scientist, but also with the zigzags of the history of Russian Slavic science. The author traces the path of Slavic science in the Soviet period, which was thorny due to the well-known persecution of slavistics in the 20–30 years of the XX century. In the middle of the XX century, prof. S. B. Bernstein became the organizer of the revival of the entire Slavic branch. The role of the scientist in the organization of the Slavic department of Moscow State University and the training of slavists, in the work of the Institute of Slavic Studies, in the development of a number of significant science areas is shown: slavic dialectology and linguogeography, comparative historical grammar of slavic languages, ethnolinguistics and slavic antiquities, Cyril and Methodius problems, etc.

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