
The purpose of the publication is to characterize the main milestones in the history of the Ukrainian Free University (UVU) through the prism of the formation of the archives of this outstanding educational and scientifi c institution in the history of foreign Ukrainians; outline the importance of an integral reconstruction of the archival complex for studying history of the Ukrainian science and education in Europe, preservation of national identity, integration of the Ukrainian scientifi c thought into the scientifi c and cultural discourse worldwide. The research methodology includes consistent application of the principles of historicism and objectivity, systemic and interdisciplinary approaches. The application of the method of comparative studies made it possible to critically analyze and correlate information obtained from scientifi c works, documents and information resources of the Ukrainian and foreign archives. Scientifi c novelty. The history of the formation of the university archive as a component of the institutional structure, memory and information resources is considered. It is raised a problem of the integral reconstruction of the UVU archives through all periods of its functioning for the most complete study of the history and representation of the University image in the scientifi c and socio-communicative life of Ukraine and worldwide. Conclusions. Ukrainian Free University during the Vienna, Prague and Munich periods of activity (1921–2021) remained an important center of education, science and culture of foreign Ukrainians. The University is associated with teaching and research activities of the well-known Ukrainian scientists in the fi elds of history, philosophy, literary studies, linguistics, social and political sciences. The multifaceted history of this glorious educational institution is refl ected in the documentary complex of the institution’s archives that was formed during the entire 100-year period of its existence as well as in the personal fonds of the Ukrainian professors, teachers and graduates of the University. During the interwar period, UVU professors took an active part in founding and development of the Museum of the Struggle for Ukrainian Independence in Prague, recognizing the importance of collecting and preserving historical documents and monuments of the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people for national statehood and independence. The University archives of the Prague period were transferred in the postwar period, and now some of its parts are stored in the archives of Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Germany and other countries. One of the important results of the fruitful activity of UVU in the postwar period was the formation of the archive in Munich, the documents of which are a valuable source on the history of the institution, the development of Ukrainian science and education abroad, Ukrainian emigration in general.

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