
This article presents a typo-technological analysis of the lithic assemblage from the excavation of multilayered site of Dam-Dam-Cheshme-1 (east of the Caspian Sea). The site was excavated by A.P. Okladnikov in 1950’s, G.E. Markov in 1970’s.The archaeological materials from the excavations were divided between the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (materials from 1950’s) and Moscow State University (materials from 1970’s). This research is based on the chipped stones stored in the Moscow State University. The analyzed assemblage characterized by bladelet industry, and toolkit consisting end, side-scrapers, perforetors, notch/denticulate tools and single lunates, points and backed tools. Presents characteristics allow us to attribute lower layer to Mesolithic and upper layer to Neolithic periods of Eastern Caspian culture. The closest analogies are observed with the materials of the grotto of Dam-Dam-Cheshme-2 and Oiukly located in the Eastern Caspian Sea.

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