
In this thesis, by witnessing and examining real objects, 012-023 of Fascicle Three of Inscriptions from the Yin Ruins(≪殷虛文字丙編≫), with the Binzubuci (賓組卜辭) of YH127 in Yin Ruins, are arranged as completely as possible for the use of scholars to study and review. It is recorded that the king made a point on whether to unite with Wangcheng(望乘) or not to form a coalition with Xiawei(下危), and that he predicted a coalition with Zhige(沚□). And the fact that he pointed out which ancestral god was responsible for the disease in the king’s teeth suggests that he also made a point to choose a priest. Also, five times in total, five times the same content, shows that the problem of war and union was very important. Bingbian(≪丙編≫)022-023 also appears to be equivalent to Chengtaobuci(成套卜辭), while no other links have been found. Based on Bingbian(≪丙編≫)012-021 and Ganzhi(干支) (乙卯, 丁巳, 庚申, 辛酉), the issue of chastising Bafang(巴方) in Bingbian(≪丙編≫)022-023, the building of Bin(賓), and imperial inspection tour of area Chu(出) is different in that closely related and specific issues.

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