
It has been considered the main stages of space pedagogics. On the basis of modern breakthrough in neuroscience, psychology, cosmology and philosophy the author gives arguments for the relevance of space education and its prospects in the world's educational systems. Exploring the human psyche on the scale of the Earth and the space, the stages of its evolution in the structure of the Universe, the author is founding more advanced scientific and philosophical basis for space education. It has been defined: subject, object, goals, objectives and methods of space education. The subject of space education is a holistic process of formation and development as individual psyche so the psyche in the wholw - psyspace. The object of space education is permanent perfection of intelligent substance of the Earth. It has been determined the purpose of space education - formation of planetary-cosmic personality. According to the the author planetary-cosmic personality is a harmony of mind, body and soul aimed at realizing of the internal creative potential of the psyche for the benefit of the evolution of reasonable substance on the scale of the Earth and the space. Characteristics of planetary- cosmic personality are constantly improved and serve as a model (ideal) of the space pedagogics , as the image of a human being in the future. Space pedagogics by using the full potential and the art of education and upbringing, serves for implementation of in the new generations psychic the main characteristics of the image of a human being of the future and form planetary-cosmic personality which is effectively self-implementing for the benefit of permanent development of intelligent substance.

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