
Abstract: The work of anesthesiologists-reanimatologists is associated with stressful and extreme working conditions, which increases the likelihood of the development of various occupational health disorders that negatively affect the effectiveness of their activities. In order to identify and describe the characteristics of the professional health of anesthesiologists-reanimatologists, 51 anesthesiologists-reanimatologists of the Arkhangelsk region were examined (average age  51.9 ± 8.7 years). Methods used: questionnaire "Attitude to work and professional burnout" V.А. Vinokura (ORPV), Multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptability" (MLO-AM) A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanina, Lusher's color test, “Questionnaire of professional relevance of a personality” by E.V. Kharitonova. It was found that 2/3 of the examined anesthesiologists-reanimatologists have a formed syndrome of professional burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, decreased satisfaction with their professional activities and self-esteem, 76.5% - reduced adaptive abilities. 70.6% of doctors have health complaints. Every fifth person is dissatisfied with the degree of realization of their professional potential.

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