
Based on anarchist methodology, the essay analyzes the historical and social meanings of the social practice of psychological and pedagogical counseling in overcoming educational difficulties. The text provides a brief explanation of the concept of delusional work in the works of anthropologist D. Graeber, a comparative analysis of the functional significance of psychological and pedagogical counseling as a social practice and crazy work as a specific type of work activity. The theoretical and methodological comparison is accompanied by a reflexive analysis of the author’s own experience in the field of psychological and pedagogical counseling. The author offers a description of the social meaning of counseling in overcoming educational difficulties as a provision for a gradual revolution in pedagogical systems through a revolution in worldview, substantiates the need and prospects for such a view. The essay suggests potential problem epicenters for the development and spread of psychological and pedagogical counseling in educational activities, visible from an anarchist methodological perspective.

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