
The article proposes an approach to the improvement and development of the system of regulatory regulation of the innovative development of the transport system using the approach of complex optimization. The object of research is the process of development of the system of normative regulation, methods and approaches to increase its efficiency. The purpose of the work is to determine the methods and optimal ways of increasing the efficiency of the system of regulatory regulation of the innovative development of transport systems. The synthesis of methods for increasing the efficiency of the regulatory system is based on the approach of complex optimization with the aim of obtaining a complex-optimized solution as a result. The research method is system analysis and complex structural-parametric optimization. The development of the transport system of Ukraine is an urgent task today. Such development should be ensured on the basis of current requirements for the transport system both from the side of the state economy and from the side of society. The latest shock events that affected the functioning of the transport system: first, the pandemic and the related quarantine restrictions, and then the full-scale military invasion of the aggressor country, formed a number of new additional requirements for the transport system, which became vital for both the economy and life of the country as a whole. Thus, rapid readjustment and the possibility of a leap-like increase in throughput and transport capacity on certain directions and sections have become an extremely important property of the transport system. One of the ways to ensure the implementation and satisfaction of these requirements is the innovative development of the transport system. It is ensuring the development of the system based on the use of equipment and technologies that are at the world's threshold of knowledge that allows to ensure the stability of the functioning and development of the system. Thus, the innovative way is the only way to develop the transport system.

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