
n the field of quantum computing, the properties of quantum superposition offer a promising potential for solving complex problems in a few minutes, while classical computers would take years to solve the same problem. Therefore, many institutions have introduced courses related to quantum mechanics and quantum computing into their programs. However, there is currently no known web-based tool or PC application dedicated to the study of quantum computing. Quantum computers are not available for educational purposes. In the early stages of learning, students may benefit from a way to practice quantum computing with a visual tool. Quantum computing is usually expressed by a quantum circuit with its sequences of quantum gates. The article talks about the creation of an educational simulator for the study of quantum circuits with various gates, functions and transformation rules. This quantum simulator will help students learn the principles of quantum circuitry in their undergraduate and graduate courses. This tool will offer functions that allow you to build a quantum circuit, add and remove quantum gates, apply transformation rules, and observe the operation of a quantum circuit with its unitary matrix. By practicing with the quantum circuit simulator, students can strengthen their theoretical knowledge base about quantum computing and linear algebraic functions

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