
The article examines the question of the dependence of the motivation of the National Guard of Ukraine servicemen on the level of effectiveness of service and combat activities and the experience of participating in combat operations. The results of an empirical study of the specifics of the motivation of military personnel for service and combat activities in extreme conditions are presented. This made it possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the levels of motivation of servicemen for service-combat activity in extreme conditions, depending on its effectiveness and experience of participation in combat operations. The problem of the dependence of the motivation of NGU servicemen on the level of effectiveness of the SCA and the experience of participating in combat operations has not yet become an independent subject of research The question of the dependence of the motivation of military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine on the level of effectiveness of service and combat activities and the experience of participating in combat operations is considered. It is noted that the results of an empirical study of the specifics of the motivation of servicemen for service-combat activities in extreme conditions indicate the existence of such a dependence. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the levels of motivation of servicemen for service-combat activity in extreme conditions are given, depending on its effectiveness and experience of participation in combat operations. Our opinion is substantiated that motivation can be expressed by a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators. It was established that it depends on the level of efficiency of service and combat activities and the experience of participating in combat operations. Summarizing the results of the empirical research, a system for determining motivation based on quantitative and qualitative indicators is proposed. It is noted that the system-theoretical analysis of the motivation of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine involves not only the determination of their level of motivation based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, but also the development of recommendations for the actual motivational support of servicemen, which will have an important practical significance for maintaining the proper level of the moral and psychological state of personnel during the execution of S in extreme conditions.

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