
Introduction. Vocational education institutions are characterized by the impact of a set of diverse risk factors that are potentially dangerous to the health of student adolescents and can lead to illness. And this raises questions of preserving the health of the future labor potential as a priority task and requires the development and implementation of new methodological approaches to improve and organize medical care. Aim. The aim was to study the morbidity of students to assess the dynamics of changes in the state of health of students during the period of initial vocational train- ing with further development of preventive measures. Material and methods. The data of a comprehensive medical examination, questionnaires on the identification and prevalence of complaints about the state of health, indicators of chronic morbidity in students of primary vocational education institutions have been analyzed. Results and discus- sion. In comparison with the first year of study, the incidence of diseases of the nervous system increases by 43,8%, diseases of the digestive system – 41,7%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue – 29,5%, diseases of the eye and its accessory apparatus – 13,4% and for diseases of the genitourinary system - by 12,8%. In adolescents studying in different working conditions, there is a repeated frequency of complaints of a different nature. Among the trainees of the oil and gas production operator and carpenter, a high frequency of complaints was noted from the urinary system, skin and allergic reactions; carpet weaver - from the nervous, musculoskeletal system, skin and vision; in adolescent seamstresses - from the nervous, cardiovascular system with frequent allergic reactions; adolescents who are trained as chefs have a higher prevalence of complaints related to the cardiovascular system and allergic reactions. Conclusion. Despite the short contact of students with various production factors during labor training, unfavorable occupational and production risk factors can cause disruption of the regulatory mechanisms of physiological adaptation in adolescents.

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