
We consider the correctional possibilities of the neuropsychological approach in remedial for preschoolers with disabilities (on the example of a special case - preschoolers with specific language impairment). Deviations in other fields of cognitive development in defect structure of children with speech disorders complicate the remedy. The application of the neuropsychological approach allows including closely speech-related higher mental functions in the correctional process. In addition, preschoolers with specific language impairment have a lower level of development of some cognitive processes compared to normotypic peers. These features determine the holistic study of higher mental functions in children with specific language impairment and the active inclusion of neuropsychological technologies in the remedy. The use of the neuropsychological method enables to determine priority of strategies for children’s remedy with regard to the peculiarities of the structure of the defect and the leading disorder. As closer integration of disciplines studying children with developmental disabilities is currently required, the use of a neuropsychological approach aligns the speech therapy, psychological and clinical aspects of the diagnostic examination of preschoolers with disabilities. The integration contributes to the optimization of the entire process of diagnostic study of children with speech disabilities. Remedial work to overcome the specific language impairment should be based on the peculiarities of the internal structure of the speech defect and fulfilled on the basis of integrative technology that combines the speech therapy and psychological aspects of corrective action within a single system.

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