
The word form of the noun instrumental case with the semantics of comparison / likeness that is used in the syntactic position of a dependent element in a noun phrase is not widely used in Ukrainian that causes superficial attention of scientists. However, its noticeable expressive potential and pragmatic volume demand special attention. The aim of the article is to reveal the specificity of semantic syntactic relations that form the basis of functioning of the instrumental case of the dependent element in a noun phrase. It has been found out that this word form, being at the first (syntactic) stage of adverbialization and being used in the syntactic position of an attribute that doesn’t agree with the head noun, has in its basis a predicative-characterizing meaning that belongs to the class of functionally-syntactically tied ones – the same a predicative in compound nominal predicates has. It is a construction with the instrumental case in the function of an attribute that doesn’t agree with the head noun – a folded sentence structure with two logical subjects of the action, joined by a link-verb or an adjective with the semantics of incipience of the attribute. Key words: instrumental of comparison, pre-nominal position, case agreement in attributes, predicative, predicative characterizing meaning.

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