
The article examines main models of public administration and regulation of health care systems, assessed with an account for their organizational and financial characteristics: predominantly state, predominantly social and insurance, predominantly private models. The predominantly state model characterized by a significant role of the state is observed in the UK, Greece, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, etc., the predominantly social and insurance model is found in Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Japan with the predominantly private model followed in the USA, South Korea, and other counties. The international ranking on the effectiveness of health systems is attained in terms of their response to challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the analysis, the critical issues for the health care systems were highlighted: insufficient funding of the public health care system, irrational distribution of health care costs, as well as the fact that health care systems were not designed for an emergency situations. The irrational distribution of public funds is a consequence of the low efficiency of health care management at all levels, which leads to concomitant problems in health care, such as staffing and material support. Based on the study of the main foreign models of public administration and regulation of the health care system, it was shown that for the Kazakh and Ukrainian models of the health-care system public administration, it is feasible to follow Germany and Singapore with their developed health insurance system based on a combination of the principles of individual responsibility and universal affordable medical care, as well as the well-coordinated systemic work of public health authorities in a state of emergency. Thus, further improving the efficiency of health care system management is one of the main tasks for social policy in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Dealing with this task largely depends on the correct choice of the appropriate model of the health-care system public administration.

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