
The article analyzes the main trends of the Ukrainian literature of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. The author departs from the statement about the idea of generation as an aggregate of symbolic discourses in literature with literary / cultural codes. The multidimensional symbolic discourse «Personality–History–Nation–Space» is defi ned as the dominant one in the contemporary literary process in Ukraine. An important part of this period in literature is symbolic severance with the Soviet past. For the Ukrainian literature of the late 20th – early 21st centuries, the following discourses are relevant: anti-colonial resistance, rethinking of national history and contemporary social history, as well as the formation of a new sociocultural space. The author posits that the development of the contemporary Ukrainian literature is characteristic of two trends. The first one is socio-cultural, which conditions the formation of a new community of readers focused on the Ukrainian-language text, while the latter trend is historical and literary, being implemented as the formation of the complete Ukrainian literary space, different from the former Soviet space, and oriented towards European literary process and literary book market. It will stipulate the appearance of the original Ukrainian literary discourse, which would bring to the fore the problems of integrity of historical memory, traumatic experience of life in imperial society, drastic re-consideration of the experience in forming new social layers in the 1990s in Ukraine, and other themes. Keywords: generation, symbolic discourses, anti-colonial resistance, Ukrainian literary discourse, literary process.

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