
Introduction. Modern war in the East of our country once again proves that the psychological readiness of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an important condition for successful completion of assigned tasks. At this stage special attention to the formation and the development of psychological readiness is given to assault troops, which by the specificity of performance of combat missions considerably differ from other kinds of troops of Armed forces of Ukraine, belong to the elite units, whose motto is "NO ONE EXCEPT US" and are able to perform any task of protecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the state.Purpose. There is an actualization of the problem of servicemen psychological readiness of airborne assault troops. Coverage of the approaches of scientists and the peculiarities of the servicemen psychological readiness of airborne assault troops to conduct hostilities.Methods. Review and analytical study of the literature.Originality. With the beginning of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the problem of servicemen psychological readiness to conduct operations in combat conditions has an important place in modern psychological science.The following scientists paid attention to the study of servicemen psychological readiness for activity: V. Aleshchenko, O. Blinov, S. Budnyk, J. Bondarenko, O. Husak, O. Dobriansky, M. Diachenko, Y. Yosypiv, O. Karaiani, L. Kazmyrenko, L. Kandybovich, S. Kandybovych, V. Korolchuk, O. Makarevych, L. Matokhniuk, J. Matsehora, V. Molotai, S. Mul, V. Osiodlo, N. Penkova, I Prikhodko, O. Safin, O. Samoilenko, V. Sysoiev, V. Stasuk, O. Khmiliar, Y. Shyrobokov, V. Yahupov and others.Considering the combat activities of servicemen, which are associated with a high degree of danger to life and health, high psychological, spiritual and physical stress, researchers classify it as an extreme activity. From a psychological point of view, combat activity differs significantly from other activities of the individual and plays a leading role in the combat situation, where its important characteristic is success.Conclusion. Thus, psychological readiness is a type of mental phenomenon, which in psychology is called a state that can appear and disappear. In other words, readiness is the activity, confidence, attitude, motivation, focus of the serviceman psyche to overcome the difficulties of combat. It includes and closely combines general (early, long-term) readiness, which is a stable system of personality qualities necessary for successful completion of the task (positive attitude to activity, previously acquired experience, knowledge, skills, abilities, goal motives, etc.) and situational (temporary) - continuation of the general readiness modified for a specific task. The state of psychological readiness helps each serviceman to successfully perform their duties, use knowledge, experience, personal qualities, maintain self-control and restructure their activities in the event of unforeseen obstacles with the least psychological loss. She points out that each serviceman adapted to the conditions of the combat situation and accepted his own role as an active defender of the Motherland.From a psychological point of view, the profession of assault serviceman is one of the most dangerous professions and belongs to the extreme professions, which are associated with great complexity and danger to life. According to the characteristic tasks, the combat activity of airborne assault troops differs significantly in specificity, diversity and intensity from other types and branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and requires each paratrooper to be professionally, physically and psychologically prepared, able to perform any tasks in the enemy's rear. and to conduct hostilities during defense, counter-offensive, special, anti-terrorist and peacekeeping operations. This necessitates an increased level of development of psychological readiness of servicemen of this type of troops from others. The formation and development of the psychological readiness of paratroopers to operate in combat conditions is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the personal safety of every serviceman, military units and our country as a whole.

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