
The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of education on the basis of introduction into the educational process of distance learning. It is determined that distance education is a kind of educational system, which uses mainly remote learning technologies and educational process organization, or one of the forms of obtaining education, in which the mastery of one or another of its levels in one or another specialty is carried out in the process of distance learning. Factors that contributed to the emergence of forms of distance education are: globalization, increasing the dynamics of socio-economic development of society, the emergence of new needs of those who study, and the development of information and communication technologies, their full implementation in virtually all spheres of human life, the need for wide application in educational Practice as a means of learning and subject of study. It is established that the effectiveness of distance learning depends on the professional training of the teacher-tutor as a subject of the educational process. The process of training the tutors focuses on the development of their communicative, analytical, reflective skills and psychological readiness to work in the virtual space, the skills of facilitation, that is, the establishment and maintenance of information links and interaction between the listeners and other participants in the system of distance education, the regulation of various problems, conflict resolution, adaptation of listeners to a new form of learning. The author stresses that the main problems of the creation and implementation of distance learning systems are computer-technological, organizational-managerial, psychological and pedagogical, financial-economic and normative-legal. Along with the awareness of the need for an integrated and balanced solution to each of these problems, one should highlight the psychological and pedagogical as such, the theoretical and practical solution of which today is the task of the most complex, to the required boundary is not defined and therefore not properly resolved. The conceptual foundations of practical implementation of the model of training of teachers of higher education and designing the routes of their professional training for the implementation of distance learning are determined. Key words: distance learning, tutor, advanced training courses, educational process, professionally important qualities.

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