
This study analyzes the key ideas of Mao Zedong, first of all, his views on the combination of marxist-leninist teachings with chinese practice, which became the first stage in the chineseization of marxism. The purpose of this section is a systematic study of the phenomenon of chineseized marxism, its worldview, philosophical and political foundations based on a historical and biographical analysis of the work of the key representative of chineseized marxism – Mao Zedong. On the basis of the conducted research, it was determined that the main ideas of Mao Zedong contributed to the revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people for national independence and national liberation on the path of socialist construction; the main ideas of Mao Zedong regarding the combination of marxism with chinese practice are analyzed; three historical leaps in the chineseization of marxism were studied and it was determined that the first leap took place during the period of Mao Zedong's activities, when his idea of chineseization of Marxism was implemented, the second – during the period of socialist construction with chinese characteristics and Deng Xiaoping's reforms, the third – developed by the current leader of China, Xi Jinping, which was defined as "socialism with Chinese characteristics of the new era". The methodology of this study is based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of Mao Zedong's ideas, and also relies on the works of leading scientists in the field of chinese philosophy, chinese marxism and modern chinese studies. The study considered the main ideas and periods of the formation of chinese marxism, as well as alternative interpretations of this process in modern chinese studies. In general, this study is based on a critical analysis of various sources and aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of the main ideological legacy of Mao Zedong and to determine the influence of these ideas on the process of chineseization of marxism. This study highlighted several points in Mao Zedong's theoretical views and political practice and concluded that the basis of his main ideas were: efforts to integrate marxism-leninism with the specifics of China; to create a new democratic revolution based on the characteristics features of China; to embark on the path of socialist revolution for the further development of socialist construction in China. These and other ideas of Mao Zedong became the main forms of chineseization of marxism in the XX century, and to this day remain the guiding ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. Practical implications. The results of this study will contribute to the possibility of intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the humanitarian sphere of Ukraine and China, taking into account the differences between the basic worldview, philosophical, political and cultural practices, as well as contribute to the definition and evaluation of existing and potential strategies for the implementation of chinese marxism in the practices of intercultural communication and the education system.

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