
The article examines the conceptual provisions for substantiating the essence of the category "credit market". To this end, an analysis of the current state of research and study of the approaches to understanding the credit market formed in the scientific literature was conducted. Also, taking into account the results of the analysis of the content of the definition of "credit market", the author's approach to its consideration was substantiated and the relevance of the study was confirmed by bibliographic analysis of research in this category. The study was based on Scopus platform data search functions using the VOSviewerprogram. In particular, emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding the essence of the credit market through the prism of the study of the number of publications and their citations, which indicates the relevance of this topic.The main task of the study is to study the essence of the definition of "credit market", to determine the author's approach to understanding the content of this economic category and bibliographic analysis.The study led to the conclusion that the number of publications that directly study the nature and features of the credit market through the prism of its essence, is constantly growing. In our opinion, further research should determine the essence of the credit market as a separate category, a description of its features and factors of formation. It is determined that an important condition for the functioning of the credit market is the existence of a system of regulation of relations in the credit market.The scientific novelty of this work is the further development of the concept and role of the credit market in ensuring the effective development of the national economy based on the analysis of research results of domestic and foreign scholars, which Scopus platform.

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