
Purpose. Evaluation of the first experience in organizing systematic telemedicine consultations/conciliums between the national medical research center and medical organizations in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) of the Russian Federation. Material and methods. The analysis of organizational and technical difficulties in creating of stable system of planned and unscheduled telecommunication events between the Khabarovsk branch of the Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution (Khabarovsk branch) and assigned to it medical organizations of the 3rd level, providing ophthalmological care for patients from 8 administrative territories of the FEFD. Results. Organizational and methodological department was created in the Khabarovsk branch, which clarified and eliminated the factors that impeded of telemedicine consultations/conciliums for ophthalmologists of medical organizations of the 3rd level; a set of organizational measures was taken to register these medical organizations in the Federal Register of Medical Organizations, in the Unified State Information System in the Field of Healthcare; the equipment necessary for communication was purchased and technically prepared; methodological assistance was provided in setting up equipment in the regions, including on-site visits; backup connections of several providers have been created; an algorithm for preliminary notification of regional ophthalmologists about the knowledge transmission has been worked out; an organizational algorithm for forming a request for telemedicine consultations has been tested. For 2019–2020 the Khabarovsk branch conducted 32 knowledge transmissions, 560 telemedicine consultations on patients living in the FEFD. Conclusion. The introduction into the daily clinical ophthalmologists practice in the FEFD of system of periodic telecommunication events between the Khabarovsk branch and assigned medical organizations of the 3rd level after the elimination of organizational and technical difficulties showed a high demand, allowing consultations on patient management in accordance with modern standards of ophthalmological care. Key words: telemedicine, teleophthalmology, Far Eastern Federal District, knowledge transmission, telemedicine consultations

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