
It was attempted of the philosophical analysis changing of business activity in the context of the informatization of society in this article. Stated that under the influence of informatization of processes business activities is virtualized. Stated that under the influence of informatization processes business activities virtualized. Indicated that positive changes of business activities connected with innovation and forecasting of the consequences of decisions. Destructive character associated with the proliferation of speculative deceptive technologies and business flight from social responsibility. So, in modern studies of the phenomenon of virtual reality is a shift of emphasises from the study of the nature and content of the analysis of the effects that have occurred in the system of social relations as a result of the use of information technology. In the context of business activities these changes of symbolic forms of existence presented as the problem of changing the nature of the capitalist mode of production: on the institutional level – as the problem of structuring government institutions; on culturally level – as basic values change behavioral patterns of production. The article stated that the theorists of postmodernism fix attention on the fact that the objective transition from the production of wealth to the production of network of signs and symbols. Consequently, the principles of production that dominated in the industrial society have given way practice notation where goods get their value as a result of the operation of symbolic coding. Under these conditions, the symbolic production becomes specific network characteristics exist. Therefore, the relationship between market players requires the inclusion of entrepreneur and employee in space of virtual reality and, accordingly, the introduction of new «rules of life». The main tool and meaning of this game serves information, and information and communication technologies, social networks, media are effectively used to obtain profits. Substantiated, that in virtual space happens transformation of the traditional content business: from «the production for production» it becomes a fraud which purpose appears cheating partner, competitor, customer. Therefore, fraud becomes a simulation of business activities. Summed up that the appearance of new realities (information space, virtual reality, mass media) distorted the content of entrepreneurship. This was manifested primarily in high-quality transformation of elements entrepreneurship. Business entities are dealing with symbolic capital and symbolic profits, electronic money, replacing the individual entrepreneur on its image. The model of effective entrepreneur relation to virtual reality has become a transformation level, and globalization has become an ontological basis. In the ontological dimension it should be emphasized the dual importance of virtual reality for possible business development. On the one hand, virtual reality is a way of adaptation to the vicissitudes of the modern world, on the other - it is a way of organizing network economic activities through business optimization. So, virtual reality facilitates the transition from subject-object model to subject- subject one, taking into account economic and anthropological components of social responsibility, which changes the business orientation vector from speculative-appropriating for creative and productive activities. This economic and existential revolution may be a condition of return of the entrepreneur in the metaphysics of being real freedom, not artificial one, reflection and personal fulfillment. At the same time, analysis of business changes in the area of virtual reality allows to speak about an intensification of symbolism in this field. On the one hand, symbolizing enhances creativity in the activities of business entities, on the other – it allows dissemination of speculative technologies, directed to significantly reduce the social responsibility of the entrepreneur.

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