
The aim of the study is to summarize the results of an experimental research aimed at exploring cognitive development and mathematical concepts among pupils in grades 1-4 with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual impairments for further exploration of effective methods and approaches to forming mathematical concepts. The experiment was conducted at the State Public Educational Institution of Moscow “School No. 2124 'Center for Development and Correction'”. It involved 72 pupils in grades 1-4, ranging in age from 7 to 12 years old. Using the psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of cognitive development of children aged 3-4 and 4-5 (E. A. Strebeleva), the CARS scale for determining the degree of autism (E. Schopler, R. J. Reichler, R. F. DeVellis, K. Daly), testing and assessment materials developed and practically evaluated by the pedagogical team of School No. 2124, data were obtained on the low level of cognitive development among first-grade pupils starting school under the adapted basic education program of primary general education for students with ASD (variant 8.4), as well as the insufficient level of cognitive development among pupils in grades 2-4 relative to the mathematics program offered to them. Scientific novelty lies in the following: a correlation was identified between pronounced autism spectrum disorders and the low level of formation of mathematical concepts among younger school children with ASD and intellectual impairments. During the study, it was found that children with severe autism exhibit a low level of elementary mathematical concepts. As a result of the research, different levels of mastery of mathematical concepts among pupils in grades 1-4 with ASD and intellectual impairments were determined, their typical errors and the need for various types of assistance in task completion, as well as different dynamics in the assimilation of mathematical concepts among pupils in grades 1-2 and 3-4 were identified.

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